Various fermented foods in mason jars - Health Experts Don't Say About Fermented Foods - Amy Myers MD®
Collagen powder and water - What Are the Top Benefits of Collagen? - Amy Myers MD®
Gut Health
What Are the Top Benefits of Collagen?
Collagen is a vital protein that supports skin elasticity, hair strength, and nail health while offering numerous internal benefits like improving gut, joint, heart, and bone health. Collagen protein powder is an easy way to boost collagen levels, especially as natural production declines with age. It supports a healthy inflammatory response and even aids in weight management. Conveniently add collagen protein powder to your daily routine in smoothies, desserts, or even salad dressings to ensures you reap its beauty and wellness benefits.
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Beet roots in a box - The Benefits of Beetroot Powder - AMMD™
Brain Health
Healthy Living
The Benefits of Beetroot Powder
Beets, or beetroot as they are sometimes called, are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. The benefits of beetroot powder extend to supporting eye health, improving blood circulation, promoting healthy-looking skin, and boosting your immune system. Because of their high amounts of nutrients, beets are considered a superfood.
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Diabetes: What EVERYONE Should Know
Healthy Living
Metabolic Health
Diabetes: What EVERYONE Should Know
Diabetes is a major issue in the US, yet many people don’t know what it really is. That needs to change! Because it touches so many lives, everyone should know the key facts about diabetes.
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Woman stepping on a scale - Yes, You Can Lose Weight After 40!
Healthy Living
Metabolic Health
Yes, You Can Lose Weight After 40!
Losing weight after 40 can feel daunting, but it’s entirely achievable with the right approach. As your metabolism slows, hormone levels shift, and activity decreases, weight loss becomes more challenging. By understanding these changes, balancing hormones naturally, boosting metabolism through strength training and a protein-rich diet, managing stress, and making mindful lifestyle adjustments, you can overcome these hurdles.
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Woman in an ice bath - Cold Plunge Benefits: Is Cold Plunge Therapy Right For You? - AMMD™
Brain Health
Healthy Living
Cold Plunge Benefits: Is Cold Plunge Therapy Right For You?

Cold plunge therapy, an ancient form of hydrotherapy, has gained popularity in recent years due to its numerous physical and mental health benefits. The immersion into cold water can support the immune system, promote a healthy inflammatory response, improve circulation, increase dopamine levels, and stimulate the vagus nerve. This regenerative therapy can be easily practiced at home making it an accessible biohacking method to enhance overall health and well-being.

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Vials of blood - Your Lipid Panel Blood Test: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You - AMMD™
Healthy Living
Metabolic Health
Your Lipid Panel Blood Test: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You

Cholesterol has long been linked to heart disease as it plays a crucial role in cell function, hormone production, and vitamin synthesis. A lipid panel blood test measures key markers of cardiovascular health, including LDL, HDL, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. While standard lipid panels provide a general overview, they don't necessarily reflect the full picture. Understanding these nuances, optimizing diet, managing stress, and considering advanced lipid testing can help lower heart disease risk and support overall wellness.

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