Various fermented foods in mason jars - Health Experts Don't Say About Fermented Foods - Amy Myers MD®
Woman sleeping in bed at night - The Benefits of Sleep for Brain Health - Amy Myers MD®
Brain Health
Healthy Living
The Benefits of Sleep for Brain Health
Sleep is an essential function that allows our bodies to recharge, refresh and be alert for the next day! It’s also crucial for our brain health. The alarming part is that many Americans struggle with a lack of sleep each night. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate 1/3 of Americans don’t get enough sleep.1 It doesn’t have to be this way! 
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Happy Relaxed Woman - 8 Must Have Mood-Support Supplements - Amy Myers MD®
Brain Health
Healthy Living
8 Must-Have Mood-Support Supplements
Everyone gets the blues or feels anxious sometimes. These are very reasonable reactions to the ups and downs of our lives. However, if you are living with mood imbalances as your near-constant companion, you’ll want to take action. These imbalances can interfere with your daily routine, relationships, and energy levels. They can take a heavy toll on your sleep, appetite, and even your immune system.
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Sleeping Woman - 7 Steps to Reset Your Sleep Cycle - Amy Myers MD®
7 Steps to Reset Your Sleep Cycle
You already know that sleep is important, but did you know that your sleep cycle, or circadian rhythm, actually determines your hormones, energy levels, and how well you recover from illness? Give yourself the best chance at an optimal sleep cycle...
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