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Articles related to - gut-health

Woman holding knee - Top 5 Sources of Inflammation - Amy Myers MD®

What’s the number one root cause of nearly every modern, chronic illness? In my experience, the biggest culprit is often inflammation in the body.  That’s right, many of today’s conditions can be traced back to body inflammation. This includes cardiovascular…

The quest for discovering how to fix leaky gut is no longer a mystery. You may be familiar with the basics, but if your digestive issues, eczema, brain fog, seasonal allergies, or other symptoms persist, don’t give up! Learning how…

Woman scratching rash - What is a Food Sensitivity - Amy Myers MD®

Do you have symptoms that seem to mysteriously come and go, such as brain fog, fatigue, headaches, joint pain, or digestive issues? Maybe you generally just don’t feel “right”, and suspect it might have to do with your diet. If…