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Double Chocolate Paleo Protein Mug Cake

Sometimes you just really want chocolate! When that craving hits, this Double Chocolate Paleo Protein Mug Cake will hit the spot, and you don’t even have to use up all the healthy ingredients in your pantry — it’s one single serving! With coconut flour and banana, this easy chocolate mug cake can be made in less than 5 minutes. If you want to share a treat with someone you love, double the recipe (after all, it is “double chocolate”, right?) That’s what I did for Xavier, my husband, and I. Or you can make your single-serving mug cake in a 4-ounce ramekin for filled-to-the-brim chocolate-y goodness!

Is this Chocolate Mug Cake Healthy?

It’s made with Paleo ingredients. It’s filled with protein. It’s full of nutrients. This Double Chocolate Paleo Protein Mug Cake is certainly a healthy indulgence to enjoy from time to time. I used whole food ingredients to make this mug cake, and it’s naturally lower in sugar. Here are some of the baking alternatives I used to make this Double Chocolate Paleo Protein Mug Cake.

Coconut Flour

This AIP-friendly flour makes this mug cake gluten-free and adds a subtle, sweetness to the recipe only coconut flour can achieve. Coconut flour is low in carbohydrates, high in fiber, and provides your body with healthy fats. The great part about using coconut flour in this mug, is that you only need one tablespoon  — coconut flour is incredibly absorbent, and a little goes a long way.

Honey & Banana

These natural sweeteners are not only natural, whole-food ingredients touting multiple health benefits, they also add moisture and sweetness to a Double Chocolate Paleo Protein Mug Cake without the use of refined sugar. Bananas offer Vitamin B6, potassium, and fiber, while honey provides trace amounts of minerals and beneficial enzymes. If you are following The Myers Way® or AIP diet, I recommend avoiding honey to limit any additional sugar intake.


We include a whole egg in this mug cake recipe to bind the ingredients, yet they also provide beneficial nutrients you body needs for optimal health. Eggs are rich in a range of vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, selenium, and phosphorus. It also adds a healthy dose of fat and even more protein to help stabilize blood sugar.

The Myers Way® Double Chocolate Paleo Protein Powder

This is the star of the recipe: The Myers Way® Double Chocolate Paleo Protein. Not only does it add the essential chocolate flavor needed for a chocolate cake, it also contains enough nutrients to make up for the salad you had for dinner that was, sadly, lacking in protein and essential amino acids. I bet you never thought you could make up for dinner with a healthy dessert!

How to Make Double Chocolate Paleo Protein Mug Cake

This single-serving dessert is SO easy. All you need is the ingredients below, 5 minutes, and a microwave. And if you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you will definitely have these ingredients on hand.

Before you start mixing your ingredients, grease a small coffee mug. I used coconut oil, but you can use any dairy-free oil or fat you have on hand. The ones that are solid at room temperature work best.

chocolate protein mug cake

In a small mixing bowl, combine the protein powder and coconut flour. Mix thoroughly. In a separate bowl, whisk together your egg, milk, mashed banana, and honey. Pour your wet ingredients into your dry ingredients. If you’re adding chocolate chips, fold those in now.

Pour the mixture into your mug, microwave for 90 seconds, and remove. Let cool for a few minutes before enjoying.

Double Chocolate Paleo Protein Mug Cake




  • 1 Tbsp unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk
  • 1 scoop The Myers Way® Double Chocolate Paleo Protein
  • 1 Tbsp coconut flour
  • 1 Tbsp honey *avoid if following The Myers Way® or AIP diet
  • 1/2 banana mashed
  • 1 egg
  • chocolate chips dairy-free (optional)
  • coconut cream toasted coconut or chocolate shavings for topping (optional)


  1. Grease small, deep mug or a 4-ounce ramekin and set aside.
  2. In a mixing bowl, thoroughly combine Paleo Protein powder and coconut flour.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg, milk, mashed banana, and honey (optional).
  4. Pour into dry mix and whisk until blended. Mix in chocolate chips if desired.
  5. Pour the mixture into your greased mug. Microwave for 90 seconds and remove.
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