Skincare was all the rave in 2022 and I expect 2023 to be another incredible year for beauty and skincare trends. I even launched my own line of skincare products, which is a complete hydration routine consisting of three physician-formulated skincare products. I’ll tell you more about that and why I did it later. 

Social media, especially TikTok has been the driving force behind skincare trends and the growing popularity of beauty and skincare products such as retinol, detoxifying masks, hydrating creams, and toxic-free beauty products. I looked into what will be the hottest beauty and skincare trends for the new year and here is what I discovered. 

Skincare Trends – Infographic – Amy Myers MD®Skincare Trends - Infographic - Amy Myers MD® Trends – Infographic – Amy Myers MD®

1. Detoxifying Masks

Your face and skin come in contact with toxins every day. After all, your skin is your body’s first line of defense. Unfortunately, air pollution can settle in our skin and cause skin aging and conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or acne.1

The good news is that more and more people understand better how toxins affect their health and are opting for toxic-free options in their cleaning supplies and beauty products. This is why I believe detoxifying masks will be one of the hottest skincare trends of 2023. 

Detoxifying face masks do more than just relieve acne and clean your pores. These masks are made with purifying clays and exfoliating acids to help remove toxins and pollutants from your skin. Most clays have a negative electric charge that helps them bind to positively charged toxins and heavy metals such as mercury and lead that can sometimes be found in environmental pollution.2

Adding a detoxifying clay mask to your at-home spa day is easy. Spread the clay evenly across your face, leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse the clay off with warm water. That’s it! It’s a fun way to detoxify your skin and feel pampered without spending much money.

2. At-Home Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is a growing wellness trend because of how it helps with muscle recovery from exercise.  However, the benefits of cryotherapy go well beyond workout recovery and I’ve experienced them myself! For example, did you know that cryotherapy was developed as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis?

Cryofacials, also known as Frotox, is a skincare trend growing in popularity due to its benefits to rejuvenate your skin and help you look younger. Cryofacials can be expensive, costing up to $40 per session at a cryotherapy studio. If you want the home equipment, they can cost thousands of dollars. 

Cryo Rollers are a growing beauty trend because of being more affordable and giving you similar benefits at home as an expensive cryofacial in a studio. These rollers provide many benefits such as improving lymphatic flow and drainage, improving blood flow to the face, and reducing puffiness and inflammation.3

If you have an established skincare routine, cryo rollers slide right in. They increase the absorption of other active ingredients by constricting the capillaries in our face, pulling the skincare deeper into our skin. Try using a roller before applying my Age-Defying Hyaluronic Acid Serum

3. Lip Scrubs

Your lips will be a skincare focus in 2023. Lip scrubs have grown in popularity in recent years so I expect it to be one of the hottest beauty and skincare trends in the new year. 

You likely use lip balms to keep your lips hydrated, especially in the cold months. I’d also be willing to bet that you use some form of hydrating cleansers and exfoliants on the rest of your face. Lip scrubs are an all-in-one tool to keep your lips looking young and supple while staying hydrated. 

Your lips have poor barrier function, so it’s hard for them to stay moist.4

By exfoliating, you can get the dry, flaky cells out of the way to restore smooth, silky lips. Just make sure you don’t over-exfoliate. I recommend using a lip scrub only twice a week.

4. Clean Beauty Products 

Have you ever looked at the ingredients list on your skincare products? These lists get longer and longer every day and include many toxic ingredients.The skincare industry is not heavily regulated in terms of safety. What’s promising, however, is that people are making the switch to clean beauty products.The more clean products on the market means you can spend your money on products that meet your toxic-free standards. I expect clean beauty products will be a hot skincare trend in 2023. 

According to the Environmental Working Group, there are approximately 12,500 ingredients used in cosmetics in our country. In the Cosmetic Ingredient Review’s 30-year history, the group has screened only 11% of those ingredients. This means that nearly 90% of the ingredients in your beauty products are not reviewed or tested for your safety. Here are 12 toxic ingredients that are commonly found in skincare products. 

  • Parabens
  • Phthalates
  • BHA and BHT
  • Coal Tar Dyes
  • DEA
  • Formaldehyde
  • Undisclosed fragrances
  • PEG Compounds
  • Petrolatum, PAHs
  • Siloxanes
  • Triclosan

I believe you shouldn’t have to compromise your standards when it comes to selecting beauty products that work. The cosmetic industry argues that it’s perfectly fine to use toxic ingredients such as parabens, phthalates, and formaldehyde-releasing preservatives on your face because only tiny amounts are used in each product and are therefore not harmful. However, with daily use, these toxic chemicals add up and wreak havoc on your body and your health! 

My high-performance, doctor-designed formulas are nontoxic and rich in the purest forms of bioactive botanical ingredients so you can experience healthy skin without sacrificing results!

5. Retinol 

I bet you’ve noticed more products on the beauty aisle have retinol in them. Yet, do you know what retinol is or why it’s so popular?

Retinol has been around since 19715 and is a type of retinoid derived from vitamin A. Vitamin A plays an essential role in supporting skin, eye, reproductive health, and immune system function.6 This anti-aging powerhouse reduces the appearance of fine lines and discoloration while delivering unparalleled exfoliation. 

It works by binding to retinoid receptors on your skin. In the middle layer of skin, it neutralizes free radicals to boost your skin’s ability to produce elastin and support collagen production. 

Retinol was a big skincare trend in 2021, and I expect it to continue to be a skincare trend in 2023 as well. After all, don’t we all look for the fountain of youth?

6. Protecting the Skin Barrier 

Aging is a natural process we cannot avoid. Skin aging usually starts in your 30s.7

This process has a lot to do with genetics and hormonal changes, however, it can also be sped up by sun exposure, smoking, poor diet, alcohol use and environmental factors such as pollution, weather, and humidity. 

Your skin is your largest organ and your main barrier to the outside world. Substances ranging from the beneficial to the bad come into contact with your skin and can be absorbed into your bloodstream. That includes the chemicals in soap, makeup, lotions, and skincare products. 

In correlation with the switch to clean beauty products, protecting your skin barrier is going to be one of the newest skincare trends in 2023. So how do you do that?

It starts with your extracellular matrix – the space between your skin and cells that supports the health of your skin. Your extracellular matrix is made up of structural proteins (collagen, elastin, and keratin), as well as moisture-locking compounds such as hyaluronic acid. When your extracellular matrix has these nutrients in abundance, it’s able to fully support your hair, skin, and nails and give them that youthful boost we’re all looking for.

Radiance is a physician-formulated blend of nourishing vitamins, botanicals, and amino acids to promote a healthy skin barrier and support skin cell regeneration. When your extracellular matrix has these essential nutrients in abundance, it’s able to give your skin the support it needs to give it that youthful boost.

7. Squalane 

Squalane might be a new term for you, however it’s one you’re likely to hear a lot of in 2023. Squalane is an oil that boosts hydration, yet that’s not all it does. It’s full of antioxidants.8 Repeated use can even promote your body’s natural collagen production.

Squalane mimics the skin’s natural oils, leaving skin hydrated. Our body’s production of squalane naturally slows down in our 20s and 30s however. It’s why you may have noticed your skin feeling drier and rougher. That’s why it’s especially important to moisturize with squalane as we age. 

It’s easy to fit into your skincare routine, too! It’s already in a lot of moisturizing creams, including my Hydrating Ceramide Cream. Not only does it have the squalane, but it features a rich blend of replenishing botanical ceramides and physician-formulated essential oils. Combined, this cream reinforces natural moisture, enhances weak skin, and soothes inflammation. 

8. Blue Light Protection

Just as your eyes need protection from dangerous blue light rays, so does your skin! We learn more about the dangers of blue light rays from LED screens and light bulbs every day. Blue-light-blocking glasses have become increasingly prevalent, and they’ve been shown to be effective at reducing blue light.9

Skin protection from blue light is a growing skincare trend and will pick up steam in 2023. There are numerous products already on the market and new ones being created with the specific purpose of protecting your skin from blue light exposure. Think of it as sunscreen for blue light rays. You can find blue light creams and mists at your local cosmetic store. They cost anywhere from $18 to $50. 

9. Minimalism

You might remember watching videos of skincare routines where the person would put on 12 different products. I’m here to tell you that those days are gone. Minimalism with skincare will be a hot skincare trend in 2023. Because who really has the time to use 12 skincare products every night? 

What’s more, too much of a good thing is rarely a good thing. Too many skincare products can be damaging to your skin and may even irritate your skin with all the chemicals interacting with each other. 

In 2023, people are ditching their long, complex skincare routine for a shorter, more simpler one. 

For an everyday routine, all you really need are three steps: a cleanser, hydrating serum, and moisturizer. That’s it! The best part is those three products will give you the same results as 12. 

10. It’s Not Gender or Age Specific 

Remember what I said about how social media was driving skincare trends. Well, it’s also proving that skincare is not just a woman-dominant industry anymore. One of the hottest skincare trends of 2023 is that more men are developing skincare routines and buying skincare products. 

Also, the age of those buying skincare products is getting younger. Young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 are the largest group buying skincare products, making up 80% of the market. That’s followed by the 17 and younger age group.10

A fast growing demographic is people ages 65 and up. However, it is expected that tweens (ages 12-14) will be the fastest growing group of skincare product users. In 2021, 80% of tweens had at least one skincare product they use every day. 11

The Essential Beauty Kit

When I developed Amy Myers MD® Beauty, my goal was to create clean beauty products to give you everything you need to nourish and protect your skin from signs of aging. The Essential Beauty Kit includes s Replenishing Vitamin C Cleanser, Age-Defying Hyaluronic Acid Serum, and Hydrating Ceramide Cream. If you’re looking for a more enhanced approach to your skincare routine in 2023, I created the Enhanced Beauty Kit to include all of my physician-formulated skincare products and pharmaceutical-grade supplements Collagen Protein and Radiance to enhance your beauty from the inside out.  

Skincare will be front and center in 2023. More people from all genders and ages are putting increased focus on taking care of their skin and giving it the support it needs for a youthful appearance. Whatever beauty and skincare trends you take part in this year, I recommend looking for cleaner, smaller solutions for your skin to keep you looking younger in 2023. 

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Article Sources

  1. Air pollution and the skin. Eleni Drakaki, et al. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2014.
  2. How Clay Masks May Benefit the Health of Your Skin and Hair. Daniel Yetman. Healthline. 2020.
  3. Face Rolling: How To Do It and Its Many Benefits. Cleveland Clinic. 2021.
  4. Clinical Assessment of a Combination Lip Treatment to Restore Moisturization and Fullness. Nathan S. Trookman, MD. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. 2009.
  5. Retinoid or Retinol?. The American Academy of Dermatology. 2021.
  6. The Benefits and Limits of Vitamin A for Your Skin. Corey Whelan. Healthline. 2018.
  7. Role of the extracellular matrix in skin aging and dedicated treatment - State of the art. Adele Sparavigna. Plastic and Aesthetic Research. 2019.
  8. Biological importance and applications of squalene and squalane. Se-Kwon Kim and Fatih Karadeniz. Advances in food and nutrition research vol. 65 . 2012.
  9. 11 Best Blue-Light-Blocking Glasses for Adults and Kids. Ash Fisher and Tim Jewell. Healthline. 2021.
  10. Enlightening Skincare Industry Statistics. Ana Djurovic. Deals on Health. 2021.
  11. Beauty is Child's Play: 80% of U.S. Tweens Use Beauty and Personal Care Products. . Mintel Press . 2016.