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Warm Cinnamon-Banana Mash

Warm Cinnamon-Banana Mash

You can still indulge in something sweet and satisfying while on The Myers Way® – you just have to get creative! I created this recipe one evening when I was craving something sweet but wanted something quick and simple (yet delicious) that was protocol-friendly.

One medium sized banana contains at least 400 mg of potassium, an essential mineral that’s critical for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function. Including bananas in your diet (in moderation) may be protective against high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. Furthermore, cinnamon and the healthy fat from coconut butter will help to stabilize blood sugar, providing lasting energy from this treat and preventing any blood sugar dysregulation.

Warm Cinnamon-Banana Mash




Cook Time

5 minutes


  • 1 banana
  • 1 Tbsp coconut butter
  • 1 dash cinnamon to taste


  1. Heat banana on skillet over low-medium heat, in the oven (350 degrees F), or in the microwave until banana is warm and tender.

  2. Once tender, place the banana in a small bowl. Add coconut butter and cinnamon. Use a fork to mash the banana with the coconut butter and cinnamon until smooth.

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