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Articles related to - hormones

Stress isn’t just a feeling, it’s a physical response that can lead to widespread hormonal imbalance in your body. Balancing all your hormones is integral to your health, and fortunately, there are natural ways to do this. Estroprotect is the…

There are many health benefits of apple cider vinegar, also known as ACV, including keeping your blood sugar in check, amping up weight loss, soothing skin issues, and helping keep your gut and your heart healthy. It contains a wide…

Everyone gets the blues or feels anxious sometimes. These are very reasonable reactions to the ups and downs of our lives. However, if you are living with mood imbalances as your near-constant companion, you’ll want to take action. These imbalances…

Can you remember the last time you slept all the way through the night undisturbed? If you’re over fifty and regularly experience insomnia, restless nights, and struggle to find enough energy to make it through the day, your sleep issues…

The nearly 50 hormones produced in your body impact just about every facet of your existence. Growth, metabolism, mood, temperature, heart rate, sleep, sexuality—all are governed by these chemical messengers. While all of your hormones are important, there are some…

Are you experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, or mood swings? Chances are you are on “the menopause spectrum.” Of course, menopause doesn’t happen from one day to the next. The months or years leading up to it are…

Are you struggling with thyroid dysfunction, weight issues, chronic fatigue, or mood imbalances? If so, your hormones could be to blame. Hormones are chemical messengers produced by your endocrine glands that control nearly every process in your body, from metabolism…

Oftentimes, exhaustion is simply the result of our fast-paced schedules, and after a little rest or time off, we feel rejuvenated. When rest or even extended “time-off” doesn’t sufficiently alleviate fatigue, this can be a red flag for thyroid dysfunction….

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Do you experience panic attacks, anxiety, or depression? And do these feelings seem to come out of nowhere, unrelated to life events or what’s going on around you? If so, it’s quite possible your anxiety is…

The ketogenic (or “keto”) diet is a low-carb diet emphasizing high-fat intake and largely limiting carbohydrates. Historically, the keto diet was developed as an alternative treatment for epileptic children and has been proven to reduce the number of seizures in…