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Articles related to - smoothies

We all know organic, non-GMO fruits and vegetables — especially green fruits and vegetables — are good for us. Yet some are far better than others. Fortunately, many of our all-time favorites are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and some…

In the middle of a hot season such as summer, you might crave the sweet, cold treats that will cool down your body and provide some comfort. It could not be easier to satisfy these cravings and continue to optimize…

We’ve all been told we should eat our vegetables, and green juice has become wildly popular in the last few years. So why are greens important for your health? I went LIVE on my Facebook page to share all the…

When I was growing up, I was very blessed to have a mom who prioritized health. She exposed me to alternative medicine, yoga, and organic food at a very young age. She didn’t buy processed foods for me—instead, we made homemade…

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, mood imbalances or an autoimmune disorder?  If so, you may have a leaky gut. The National Institutes of Health estimates that nearly ¼ of us (about 70 million) suffer from…