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Articles related to - candida-overgrowth

The quest for discovering how to fix leaky gut is no longer a mystery. You may be familiar with the basics, but if your digestive issues, eczema, brain fog, seasonal allergies, or other symptoms persist, don’t give up! Learning how…

You may have heard of Candida. You also may have heard it can “overgrow” in your body, causing a wide range of symptoms from brain fog, to nail fungus, itchy skin conditions, athlete’s foot, and even the dreaded vaginal yeast…

There are many health benefits of apple cider vinegar, also known as ACV, including keeping your blood sugar in check, amping up weight loss, soothing skin issues, and helping keep your gut and your heart healthy. It contains a wide…

In my many years of treating patients for Candida overgrowth, I saw a surprising number of people who were surprised to learn that eating fermented foods could actually be making their condition worse. That’s probably because a number of Candida…

Are you battling with stubborn and recurring Candida overgrowth? Have you tried the Candida diet, Candida-fighting supplements, and other lifestyle changes, only to have your symptoms reappear as soon as you stop treatment? You’re not the only one. This is…

The new year is here! In the spirit of “new year, new you”, there’s literally no better time to fully commit yourself to achieving optimal health! As you know, total body health begins in your gut. If you support your…

Natural Psoriasis Treatment from the Inside Out - A Woman Scratching a rash on her neck - Featured image - Amy Myers MD®

Do you get itchy, painful, thick, and scaly skin flares? If you have psoriasis, you know these signs well. You may feel frustrated as your psoriasis symptoms persist despite prescriptions and even any natural psoriasis treatment you may have tried….

Did you know that if you are dealing with either Candida overgrowth or an autoimmune disease, there’s a good chance you could be dealing with the other as well through a leaky gut? In working with thousands of patients, I…

Let’s be honest. When something itches, even if it’s in an awkward place, it is almost impossible not to scratch it. It can be incredibly annoying and embarrassing to be out in public and suddenly it strikes: an unbearable itching….

Do you deal with pesky and persistent nail fungus? Have you tried everything in your health arsenal—from prescription antifungals to expensive creams and lotions to nail polish—and still had no luck in eliminating the fungal infection? If so, you are…

It can be incredibly frustrating and even frightening to feel as if you’re losing your edge. My patients frequently confided in me when they struggled with brain fog, and oftentimes my older patients even wondered if they were becoming senile….