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Articles related to - gluten

Woman holding knee - Top 5 Sources of Inflammation - Amy Myers MD®

What’s the number one root cause of nearly every modern, chronic illness? In my experience, the biggest culprit is often inflammation in the body.  That’s right, many of today’s conditions can be traced back to body inflammation. This includes cardiovascular…

Food that is great-tasting, nutrient-dense, and satisfying is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Recently, however, new alternatives to animal protein are making a big splash on the market, these include vegetarian and vegan meat substitutes, AKA fake meat. …

Butter on toast - Gluten & Dairy: 2 Foods To Avoid - Amy Myers MD

As you know, diet plays a huge role in your health. I’ve seen firsthand, in myself and my patients, the power of food to reverse chronic illness such as autoimmune diseases, including Hashimoto’s, Graves’, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s, and others….

Are you experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, or mood swings? Chances are you are on “the menopause spectrum.” Of course, menopause doesn’t happen from one day to the next. The months or years leading up to it are…

Natural Psoriasis Treatment from the Inside Out - A Woman Scratching a rash on her neck - Featured image - Amy Myers MD®

Do you get itchy, painful, thick, and scaly skin flares? If you have psoriasis, you know these signs well. You may feel frustrated as your psoriasis symptoms persist despite prescriptions and even any natural psoriasis treatment you may have tried….