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Dr. Amy Myers sitting and introducing herself.

Hi! I'm Amy Myers, MD

Before I became a physician, functional medicine expert, and 2x New York Times bestselling author, I desperately struggled with gut issues, autoimmunity, and chronic symptoms that nearly destroyed my life. Thankfully, I took back control of my health. Conventional medicine failed me and it is my mission to not have it fail you too℠.

Dr. Amy Myers, MD
Women in mirror - Why You Should Combine Collagen and Probiotics - Amy Myers MD®

Why You Should Combine Collagen and Probiotics

Collagen and probiotics provide a range of benefits. Taken together they create a maximum-strength weapon...

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Collage powder in a bowl with capsules on the side - Collagen Peptides vs Hydrolyzed Collagen - Amy Myers MD®

Collagen Peptides vs Hydrolyzed Collagen

It’s no secret that collagen holds the key to many incredible health benefits. However, all...

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Man pouring milk - Your Protein Guide - Amy Myers MD®

Your Protein Guide: How Many Grams You Need Daily

Protein is life. It’s true! In fact, protein plays so many roles in your body,...

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No bake brownie bits with collagen powder - Collagen Probiotic No Bake Brownie Bites - Amy Myers MD®

Collagen Probiotic No Bake Brownie Bites

Brownies are one of those warm, gooey treats many of us grew up loving. The...

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Caramel drizzle on blondie - Salted Caramel Blondie - Amy Myers MD®

Salted Caramel Blondies

My delicious Salted Caramel Blondies will satisfy your cravings while nourishing your body with wholesome...

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Apple crisp with cream - Salted Caramel Apple Crisp - Amy Myers MD®

Salted Caramel Apple Crisp

Longer daylight hours have a special way of waking up the sleepy world around us....

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The #1 Roadmap to Repair Your Gut...

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Dr. Myers consulting with a female patient

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