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Articles related to - toxins

Woman holding knee - Top 5 Sources of Inflammation - Amy Myers MD®

What’s the number one root cause of nearly every modern, chronic illness? In my experience, the biggest culprit is often inflammation in the body.  That’s right, many of today’s conditions can be traced back to body inflammation. This includes cardiovascular…

Dr. Myers holding up skincare bottle - My Favorite Non-Toxic Beauty Brand - Amy Myers MD”

Did you know that the average person uses 10-15 personal care products with 126 different ingredients every day? Your skin is your biggest organ, and what you put on it, you also absorb! This is why it is SO important…

Sugar cubes

If you’re experiencing mystery gut symptoms, reviewing your food choices is usually where I start. It’s important to understand the impact that toxic and inflammatory foods, such as sugar, can have on your gut health.

Woman applying sunscreen

Our world is overloaded with toxins. You must carefully read the ingredients in almost everything you consume, touch, or use. This includes packaged food, household cleaners, and beauty and skincare products.  With summer right around the corner, you’ll likely be…