Protocol Guide

SIBO Support

Your small intestine digests and absorbs nutrients from up to 90% of your food. Your gut and overall health suffer when there’s an imbalance, like Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). Cleaning up your diet and adding high-quality supplements can help strengthen and balance your intestinal health.

Deep Dive

How Does SIBO Happen?

When healthy bacteria that are normally found in the large intestine and colon colonize the small intestine, SIBO occurs. SIBO can also be caused by an overgrowth of otherwise normal bacteria in the small intestine itself.
The Myers Way®

SIBO Support Protocol

Sale Price: $223.94 Originally: $248.82

Want to Take Back Your Health™? The SIBO Support Protocol equips you with the right tools and information to support your body, health, and sense of well-being. 


  • Microb-Clear® promotes microbial balance in the GI tract.†
  • Coconut Charcoal helps alleviate gas and bloating.†
  • Primal Earth Probiotic™ encourages optimal microflora populations in the GI tract.†
  • Vanilla Bean Paleo Protein supports gut barrier function.†
  • Leaky Gut Revive® soothes digestive tract.†
  • ImmuneIG supports GI barrier function.†


  • 30-Day Guide
  • Guide to SIBO
  • Gut Health for Life Roadmap
  • Recipes
  • Shopping List
  • Supplement Guide
  • Progress Tracker

Why I Designed This Protocol

Not everyone shows symptoms of SIBO. This is one reason it often goes undiagnosed. In fact, an estimated 6-15% of healthy, asymptomatic people and roughly 50% of people with IBS are actually suffering from SIBO. This is why I created The SIBO Protocol: to empower you with the knowledge and tools to reverse this debilitating condition.
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