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Brussels Sprout Snack

Brussels Sprout Snack

Looking for a quick snack? Here is great way to get your greens!

This Brussels Sprout Snack is a quick and easy recipe that will fill you up give you a nutrient boost. They’re soft and savory, with just a little crunch. Feel free to add any other spices you desire. Enjoy!

Brussels Sprout Snack

Brussels Sprout Snack




  • 1/4 lb brussels sprouts
  • 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • sea salt to taste
  • lemon juice to taste


  1. Wash Brussels sprouts. Trim ends off and cut in half. 
  2. Heat skillet over medium heat with oil. Add Brussels sprouts and sauté until desired texture.
  3. Sprinkle with salt and lemon juice to taste. Serve hot.
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