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Summer Salad

When I think of summer, the first thing that comes to mind is eating fresh seasonal produce such as pear and mango. This Summer Salad incorporates all the fresh and fruity flavors of the season and packs a protein punch thanks to crunchy walnuts. 

Mixed Greens

We all know that organic, non-GMO fruits and vegetables of any kind are good for us, however some are far better than others. Dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, collard greens, or arugula are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and even protein that supports optimal blood sugar levels, facilitates healthy brain function, and promotes bone and gut health. What’s more, leafy greens are packed with digestive enzymes that are critical for breaking down and absorbing the nutrients in your food.

Pear and Mango

The earthy taste of mixed greens perfectly pairs with sweet pear and mango to create a harmony of flavors. Pear is a wonderful addition to any salad because it remains crisp even after you drizzle on the spiced lemon dressing. These fruits are a rich source of important minerals such as copper and potassium, which play a role in supporting an optimal immune response and nerve function. 

Mangos are full of fiber, which keeps you feeling full and slows down the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream. Mango also promotes healthy digestion and is high in copper, folate, and vitamin C to support healthy hair, skin, and nails. They’re a soft and delicious fruit that you can be sure will contribute to your health.

How to Make a Summer Salad

One of the best things about this salad is how easy it is to make! Simply arrange your greens on a serving platter before scattering slices of pear and mango on top. Then, drizzle on your lemon dressing and serve! This salad is perfect for cooling you down after a long, hot day, and can even be a sweet treat to serve with dinner!

Summer Salad




  • 8 cups arugula or other mixed greens
  • 1 pear sliced thinly
  • 1 mango sliced thinly
  • 1/2 cup walnuts
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 2  tsp lemon zest
  • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • sea salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste


  1. Arrange greens on serving plate or bowl.
  2. Scatter pear and mango slices on top. Add walnuts.
  3. In a small bowl whisk together lemon juice, lemon zest, oil, salt, and pepper. Drizzle over salad and serve.
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