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Leaky Gut

Think of your gut as a drawbridge. Your gut is naturally semi-permeable to let teeny-tiny boats (micronutrients) pass through your intestinal wall and into your bloodstream. However, external factors including certain foods, infections, toxins, and stress can break apart the tight junctions in your intestinal wall, leaving the drawbridge open. Once this happens, you have a leaky gut. Fortunately, there are plenty of simple, natural ways to prevent and reverse leaky gut. Here's what you need to know.

When to Get a Colonoscopy

When to Get a Colonoscopy

A colonoscopy can bring you closer to taking back your health. Here’s more about when to get a colonoscopy and gut care tips.

Is There a Connection Between Exercise and Leaky Gut?

Is There a Connection Between Exercise and Leaky Gut?

Learn about the connection between exercise and leaky gut, why too much exercise can damage your gut, and how to protect your gut health.

9 Symptoms of Leaky Gut & What To Do

9 Symptoms of Leaky Gut & What To Do

If your gut is healthy, chances are that you are in good health. If it’s not, it can lead to a slew of issues.Seasonal allergies. Brain fog. Skin problems. Hormone imbalances. Digestive issues. Mood swings. Did you know that these...

5 Signs Your Leaky Gut is Healing

5 Signs Your Leaky Gut is Healing

Let's talk about the signs to keep an eye out for so you can know when your leaky gut is healed or is on its way to being fully repaired!

Fixing Leaky Gut: Avoid These 10 Mistakes

Fixing Leaky Gut: Avoid These 10 Mistakes

The quest for discovering how to fix leaky gut is no longer a mystery. You may be familiar with the basics, but if your digestive issues, eczema, brain fog, seasonal allergies, or other symptoms persist, don’t give up! Learning how...

How To Restore Gut Health After Antibiotics

How To Restore Gut Health After Antibiotics

If you’ve ever taken antibiotics to fight an infection, you are not alone. Antibiotics and gut health generally have a negative relationship. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, though. Did you know that up to 50% of the antibiotics prescribed are often unnecessary?...

The 2 Surprising Causes of Leaky Gut

The 2 Surprising Causes of Leaky Gut

Can the food you eat really be causes of leaky gut? Let’s get the facts straight & consider where food choices go wrong and steps to support your health.

Is Leaky Gut Real?

Is Leaky Gut Real?

Is leaky gut real? It’s all over the media, yet many in the medical community treat it as a medical myth. The truth is that while the symptoms may seem puzzling or confusing, leaky gut is far from mysterious. It’s...

A single piece of salmon with lemon on a cutting board

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