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Your thyroid, a small gland at the base of your throat, impacts nearly every body process. Metabolism, moods, and even aging are all affected by your thyroid. Keeping your thyroid hormones in balance is crucial for your body because there is no part of you that functions optimally when you have thyroid issues. Too much thyroid hormone results in hyperthyroidism and is characterized by insomnia, heart palpitations, and irritability, among other things. Hypothyroidism, or too little thyroid hormone, has symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and weight gain. Both conditions are autoimmune in nature, a result of your immune system attacking your own thyroid. 

Is Hypothyroidism Genetic?

Is Hypothyroidism Genetic?

Is hypothyroidism genetic? If your mother & sister have hypothyroidism doesn't mean you'll have it, yet genetics does play a small role.

Understanding Your Thyroid Test Results

Understanding Your Thyroid Test Results

Your thyroid is a complex organ that wears many hats. Because of this, I often get asked a lot of questions. Some of the most frequent questions I get is, “How do I interpret my thyroid test results, and which...

The MTHFR Mutation: What It Is and What To Do About It

The MTHFR Mutation: What It Is and What To Do About It

The MTHFR gene mutation is linked to decreased ability to detoxify and more than 60 chronic health conditions

Reverse Your Thyroid Hair Loss

Reverse Your Thyroid Hair Loss

There I was, standing in front of my bathroom mirror brushing my hair when I noticed chunks of it coming out on my hairbrush. It was horrifying and depressing, after all, I was 32 years old and this was not...

Why Am I So Irritable and Moody?!

Why Am I So Irritable and Moody?!

I want to tell you about a patient whose story of irritability and mood swings might sound familiar to you. Sarah came into my office, and after introducing myself, I asked her what brought her in to see me. Her...

5 Causes of Graves’ Disease and 5 Solutions for It

5 Causes of Graves’ Disease and 5 Solutions for It

It is estimated that between 3 and 10 million people are diagnosed with hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid. The most common form of hyperthyroidism is the autoimmune condition known as Graves’ disease. I was diagnosed with Graves’ during my second...

Is Keto the Best Diet for Hypothyroidism?

Is Keto the Best Diet for Hypothyroidism?

The ketogenic (or “keto”) diet is a low-carb diet emphasizing high-fat intake and largely limiting carbohydrates. Historically, the keto diet was developed as an alternative treatment for epileptic children and has been proven to reduce the number of seizures in...

Testing for MTHFR Mutations

Testing for MTHFR Mutations

In my Part I of MTHFR mutations, I discussed what they are, why they matter, and how they’re connected to autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s, Graves’, and thyroid dysfunction. In this article, we dive right into the importance of MTHFR tests. Most...

3 Reasons Your Doctor Missed Your Hashimoto’s Diagnosis

3 Reasons Your Doctor Missed Your Hashimoto’s Diagnosis

As I explain in my book, The Thyroid Connection, we are in the midst of a thyroid epidemic, with around 27 million Americans facing some sort of thyroid dysfunction. Women are up to eight times more likely to be diagnosed...

11 Signs You Have Hashimoto’s and How to Overcome It

11 Signs You Have Hashimoto’s and How to Overcome It

Are you tired all the time even after getting a full night’s sleep? Do you find yourself forgetting where your keys are or where you parked your car? Perhaps you’re dealing with cold hands, hair loss, weight gain or difficulty...

The Adrenal-Thyroid Connection

The Adrenal-Thyroid Connection

I'm going to be honest here: Stress is a given in our lives. I know I can't avoid it and, while I'm not much of a gambler, I'd be willing to bet you can't either. Yet, whether you have Hashimoto's...

Should You Try a Keto Diet if You Have Hashimoto’s?

Should You Try a Keto Diet if You Have Hashimoto’s?

Ketogenic (or “keto”) diets are all the rage right now. Along with helping you lose weight and increase energy levels, keto diets have the potential to reverse a number of chronic illnesses, from diabetes, to cancer, and even certain autoimmune...

Which Thyroid Medication is Best?

Which Thyroid Medication is Best?

There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to supplemental thyroid hormone and I don’t believe that there is one right choice for everyone. What I have learned over the last fifteen years as both a thyroid patient...

Which Thyroid Medication is Best for Hashimoto’s

Which Thyroid Medication is Best for Hashimoto’s

Which type of thyroid medication is best for Hashimoto’s? This is something I am asked all the time by my patients, in my support community, and in my Facebook community. I first want to clarify that thyroid medications are not...

What are the Early Warning Signs of a Thyroid Problem?

What are the Early Warning Signs of a Thyroid Problem?

Do you know how well your thyroid functions relate to every system in your body? Here are 10 warning signs of thyroid problems & the solutions to help!

10 Solutions for Hashimoto’s Fatigue

10 Solutions for Hashimoto’s Fatigue

Oftentimes, exhaustion is simply the result of our fast-paced schedules, and after a little rest or time off, we feel rejuvenated. When rest or even extended “time-off” doesn't sufficiently alleviate fatigue, this can be a red flag for thyroid dysfunction....

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