Beet roots in a box - The Benefits of Beetroot Powder - AMMD™

Beets, or beetroot as they are sometimes called, are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Both beets and beetroot powder benefits are extensive. They support eye health, improve blood circulation, and promote healthy-looking skin. In addition, they also boost your immune system. Because of their high amounts of nutrients, beets are without a doubt a superfood

Ironically enough, beets are one of the most detested foods in the United States. Almost 26% of adults rank this superfood as their least favorite vegetable. This makes it the second least favorite in the world behind turnip.1

Beets are a very nutrient dense food. One serving contains only 44 calories yet it packs a nutritious punch. In fact, beets come with high amounts of fiber, vitamin B9 (folate), potassium, iron, and vitamin C. It’s a powerhouse of a vegetable with loads of benefits! There are also beetroot supplements to help you get all the same benefits. Let’s explore some of these benefits.

7 Impressive Benefits of Beetroot Powder

As I mentioned, beets are a superfood with a whole host of benefits. You can reap so many benefits from both the vegetable and beetroot supplements. Not only can beetroot help with inflammation, but it supports fitness and cognitive health as well. The list of beetroot powder benefits is long. Let’s take a closer look at the seven most impressive benefits of beets.

The Benefits of Beetroot Powder - Infographic - Amy Myers MD®

Beetroot and Low Blood Pressure

One of the many beetroot powder benefits include how it can lower blood pressure. Studies have shown drinking a cup of beetroot juice per day can help to reduce blood pressure.2 That’s because beets contain dietary nitrates, which convert to nitric oxide when consumed.3

Nearly every cell in your body produces nitric oxide, and it’s essential in blood vessel health.4 As a vasodilator, it relaxes and widens your blood vessels. This process not only increases healthy blood flow but also reduces blood pressure. The effect is more beneficial in lowering systolic blood pressure (the top number that tells the pressure the heart exerts while beating) than diastolic (the amount of pressure in the arteries between beats)5

They’re also a rich source of phytochemical and bioactive compounds. These support circulation to areas such as the brain, physical energy levels, and more. While beets in any form benefit your health, you’ll get the most from raw beets. If you’re looking for a more convenient way to reap the goodness of beets, you can try beetroot powder. There are many beetroot powder benefits available to you. Let me explain.

Beetroot Powder Pre Workout

What do exercise and beetroot have in common? Both are beneficial to heart health. Remember, beets are high in dietary nitrates. These naturally-occurring nitrates improve the efficiency of mitochondria. Mitochondria are the energy-producing organelle that generates energy in each of your cells.6 Adding beetroot powder to your regimen can further support your heart as you exercise. 

Beetroot powder pre workout supplements are a great choice. One study found that people who drank beet juice increased their oxygen uptake by up to 16%. In effect, this increased their athletic performance and endurance.7 You may prefer cardio exercises or weight lifting. Either way, beetroot is a must-have for a healthy fitness routine. 

Beetroot Powder Promotes a Healthy Inflammatory Response 

Beets contain betalains. Betalains act as free radical scavengers that promote a healthy inflammatory response in your body.8 Inflammation is a helpful tool if your immune system is working well. 

Your body produces free radicals during the digestive process. In small amounts, these particles serve important tasks such as detoxification and helping to heal wounds. Yet, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Increased levels create oxidative stress, which triggers a cascade of inflammation

Beets and other detoxifying foods reduce oxidative stress. They do this by supplying free radicals with an electron to stabilize them. In effect, this helps reduce the damage caused by oxidative stress. This is one of the more known beetroot powder benefits. 

Beetroot Fiber Content 

Other beetroot powder benefits include its rich fiber content. Boasting 3.4 grams of fiber in just one cup, beets contain more fiber than one pear, a cup of strawberries, or one apple. 

Beetroot fiber content offers many great benefits. Fiber helps lower LDL cholesterol, which can promote optimal weight. Additionally, it helps regulate blood glucose levels and aids in nutrient absorption. Eating beets and beetroot powder also supports frequent bowel movements. This is one aspect of a healthy digestive system. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or are on an elimination diet, start small. Too many beets might trigger unwanted symptoms. Beetroot powder, however, is often easier to digest.

Beets Support Brain Health 

One of the other beetroot powder benefits includes healthy blood and oxygen flow to your brain. The nitrates found in beets support blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain. The front lobe is where your memory and focus are.9

Beetroot Powder Promotes Weight Loss

An indirect benefit of beetroot powder is that it helps promote weight loss. Remember what I said about beets being a high-volume food? Beets have a lot of water in them, yet they are low in calories and fat. This allows you to feel fuller longer and curb cravings. Beets also contain moderate amounts of protein. Protein keeps you feeling full throughout the day and stops sugar cravings. 

Now that you know about all these beetroot powder benefits, how can you incorporate them into your diet? I understand that some of you may not like beets. What if I told you there was a delicious way to get the benefits of beets without having to eat them? You can still enjoy the many beetroot powder benefits without the fuss!

How to Add Beets to Your Diet

It’s difficult to ignore all the beetroot powder benefits. While you can eat them raw or on their own, there are many ways to add them to delicious recipes. Here are some of my favorite ways to add beets to your diet.   

Sliced, Grated, or as Noodles

Add beet slices to a burger or a gluten-free sandwich. Or grate them over your favorite side dish or salad for added flavor. You can also use a spiralizer and turn them into beet noodles for a side dish. Adding them to a delicious salad is also a great way to enjoy this superfood. 

Add Them To Your A Tasty Entreé 

The texture of beets is one of the reasons people say they don’t like beets. If that’s you, try adding beets to a nightshade free chili or BBQ chicken flatbread pizza. You don’t have to eat beets on their own to get all the beetroot powder benefits. 

Make a Smoothie or Juice

A quick and easy way to add beets to your diet is by making a nutrient-packed smoothie or juice. Beets make a great addition to your favorite smoothie in the morning. The best part about smoothies is that they can be whatever you want. Smoothies are a great resource at hiding ingredients that you may not like the flavor or texture of. This recipe for Beet Juice is one of my favorites. It comes with powerful superfoods, fruits, and veggies. And it tastes great! 

Using Organic Greens and Reds Powder

In addition to eating raw or cooked beets, you can take beetroot supplements. Today’s modern world is full of toxins and pollutants. These can damage cells, lower your energy, and reduce your overall health. I recommend both Organic Greens and Organic Reds to help nourish your body from the inside out. This dynamic duo uses USDA-certified organic fruits, vegetables, and superfoods to enhance energy levels and promote a healthy inflammatory response. They’re perfect for anyone who:

  • Is looking to save a lot of time versus juicing its produce every morning
  • Needs a tasty, inexpensive alternative to pricey juice-bar offerings 
  • Travels often and wants a doctor-designed source of organic nutrition while eating out
  • Wants to mitigate stress & balance hormone health 
  • Wishes to alkalize their body, increasing healthy PH

If you want to optimize your health with non-GMO nutrition, these convenient powders are the way to go. Get some extra greens into your diet with a scoop of Organic Greens. Likewise, one serving of Organic Reds gives you a triage of fat-burning, energy-supporting, and health-boosting superfoods. For example, Aronia berry supports healthy heart cell membranes. Mulberry fruit supports healthy fat metabolism by activating brown fat tissue. Using these together is a fantastic way to get all the benefits of fruits and vegetables in one drink!

The Final Word on Beetroot Powder

Beets are a great way to optimize your workouts, support weight loss goals, get more fiber, and support heart health. An easy way to reap their benefits is through beetroot supplements. Organic Greens and Organic Reds are easy ways to incorporate more nutrition into your busy life! Try them today and start enjoying all the beetroot powder benefits!

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    Meet the Author

    Dr. Amy Myers

    Dr. Myers is an accomplished, formally-trained physician who received her Doctorate of Medicine from Louisiana State University Health Science Center in 2005.
    Along the way, she made it her mission to help those who've also been failed by the conventional medical system restore their own health and live their best lives.

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