Various fermented foods in mason jars - Health Experts Don't Say About Fermented Foods - Amy Myers MD®
Person holding an ear of corn with a bite taken out of it - What Are Gluten Cross-Reactive Foods? - AMMD™
Health Focus
What Are Gluten Cross-Reactive Foods?
Did you know that there are foods that your body might think are gluten? It’s true! The process is called gluten cross-reactivity. If you eat gluten cross-reactive foods, you may feel all the symptoms of getting “glutened” even if gluten didn’t pass your lips!
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Woman laying on floor exhausted during work out - What is Hypoproteinemia and What to Do About it - AMMD™
Health Focus
What is Hypoproteinemia and What to Do About it
I’ve said a thousand times that getting enough protein in your diet is not just important– it’s crucial! Yet, what happens when you don’t get enough, and what is the solution? A protein deficiency, while uncommon, can develop for various reasons, including certain health conditions and diets lacking in protein.1 The medical term for a protein deficiency is hypoproteinemia.
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The Powerful Benefits of ImmunoLin®
Health Focus
The Powerful Benefits of ImmunoLin®
What if I told you you could repair your gut and support your immune system simultaneously for optimal gut function? After years of research and experience in my clinic, I have discovered a powerful ingredient that does just that called ImmunoLin®. I will tell you about this powerful gut-healing tool and why I consider it my most comprehensive weapon to promote gut healing and detoxification. Let’s get started.
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Man holding his wrist - Common Autoimmune Diseases in Men - Amy Myer MD®
Health Focus
Common Autoimmune Diseases in Men
Autoimmune disease in men is not a topic that is discussed very often. Women generally are more prone to develop an autoimmune disease than men, and it’s pretty disproportionate. Statistics tell us that autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (75% women to 25% men), rheumatoid arthritis (80/20), and lupus and Hashimoto’s (90/10) are much more common in women.
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The Iodine & Hashimoto’s Question
Health Focus
The Iodine & Hashimoto’s Question

Is taking iodine good or bad for Hashimoto’s, and how much is safe to take? There is a lot of debate around this topic, and these are questions I get asked all the time when I speak about thyroid health.

In this article, find out why iodine is so important for thyroid health, three common chemicals that can cause you to be low in iodine, and how I recommend maintaining healthy levels.

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Woman holding pill and water cup - Low-Dose Naltrexone for Autoimmunity - Amy Myers MD®
Health Focus
Low-Dose Naltrexone for Autoimmunity?
Low-dose Naltrexone (LDN) has been touted as a panacea by many with autoimmunity. Whenever I speak on the topic of autoimmunity or thyroid health, it is often one of the first things I am asked about. Do I recommend LDN? Does it really work? Which autoimmune diseases does it work for? How do you use it?
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What Happens When You Stop Taking Probiotics?
Gut Health
Healthy Living
What Happens When You Stop Taking Probiotics?
How do you know if you need probiotics? Well, if there’s an imbalance between good and bad bacteria, that’s a good indicator. An imbalance in the microbiome can confuse your immune system. Oftentimes, this leads pathogens to start attacking healthy cells. Suppose your immune system cannot distinguish between healthy cells and an invader. Pathogens like harmful bacteria can come in and wreak havoc on your health. Left unchecked, this can lead to a host of problems. Some of what I often see include autoimmunity, depression, anxiety, and leaky gut.
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The 3 Levels of Infrared Light
The 3 Levels of Infrared Light
Infrared light has three different levels: near (NIR), mid (MIR), and far (FIR). Each level has their own distinct characteristics, frequency ranges, and benefits. Near-infrared light, mid-infrared light, and far infrared light represent the different sizes of wavelength and refer to the intensity of the treatment.
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