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Too often we get stuck in the rut of eating sweet potatoes with every meal while following an Autoimmune Paleo diet. As great as sweet potatoes are, I don’t want you getting sick of them! If you are looking for a little bit of…

This Fried Tostones dish is great to enjoy as a tasty appetizer with friends! It’s a simple, sweet, and healthy spin on a food traditionally fried in unhealthy oils – perfect as a substitution for fries or hashbrowns! Plantains are…

Fresh salads are one of my go-to meals during the spring months – there are so many fresh fruits and vegetables to choose from this time of year to keep a salad exciting! This Fig and Roasted Fennel Steak Salad…

Yuca is a great replacement for white potatoes because it has a similar starch content, with a higher fiber content to keep your blood sugar stable for much longer, and avoid energy crashes. Pair these “fries” with a garlic dipping…

I love roasted Brussels sprouts, and they pair well with just about any type of entrée! This easy recipe for Roasted Brussels Sprouts is an upgraded, more flavorful version of your standard roasted Brussels sprouts. Tossing them in a little…

This Crispy Prosciutto Salad is a great recipe to have in your back pocket when you’re in need of a quick meal or a yummy dish to bring to a party! The sulforaphane in the brussels sprouts makes this a great meal…

Sometimes organ meats get a bad rap, but I consider them an essential part of a healthy diet! They provide a rich source of nutrients, including COQ10, iron, zinc, and vitamins A, D, E, and K. Season these Superfood Italian…

I love Korean food! However, some Korean foods contain soy sauce, which includes both soy and wheat products. Not only are those big NOs — Korean food usually includes peppers. That being said, I love to simulate the flavors of…

Slow-cooked cabbage is sweet, mild, and super satisfying in the cooler months! This Irish Stuffed Cabbage Wrap recipe is an all-in-one meal, full of B vitamins, fiber, calcium and minerals. B vitamins are essential for health, allowing our bodies to…

This Parsnip & Cauliflower Soup is a great way to incorporate gut-healing bone broth and detox-supporting veggies into your diet! As part of the cruciferous vegetable family, cauliflower is a great source of antioxidants and can stimulate the production of…

If you’ve eliminated eggs, dairy, and nuts and seeds from your diet, you will want to replace your fat sources with organic meats and seafoods, avocado, olive, and coconut-based fats. The healthy fat in the coconut butter of this healthy…

This gut-healing, nourishing soup is a great way to use up leftover bone broth! The zucchini is a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and the herbs and spices are loaded with antioxidants. Whip it up in five minutes…

Antioxidant-rich kale is the star of the show in this warming meal, along with gut-healing bone broth and savory spices! Kale is rich in B vitamins, which makes a healthful diet addition for those with MTHFR SNPs. Whip this dish…

When fighting Candida overgrowth, eating plenty of anti-fungal herbs, spices, and produce is crucial! As a cruciferous vegetable, broccoli contains isothiocyanates, which are sulphur- and nitrogen-rich compounds that attack the Candida fungus. The addition of the lemon juice, garlic, and…

You don’t have to miss out on yummy, festive meals this holiday season just because you’re following The Myers Way® protocol! This AIP & Paleo Fig and Bacon Stuffed Chicken is a protein-packed option that your family will love, and…

Add this yummy Ginger and Pear soup to your holiday meal menu for a warm, gut-healing start to the meal that your whole family is sure to love! Find this, and over 40 other The Myers Way®- friendly recipes for the holidays…