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Dr. Myers’ Blog

All of those “Got Milk?” ads from the last decade or so would have us believe that dairy is a cornerstone of a healthy diet, providing essential nutrients, fortifying our bones, and knocking out osteoporosis left and right. But, is…

After my last several articles I have gotten many comments and questions asking me, “So what do you eat’? I am going to share with you what’s in my grocery basket and walk you through a typical day of meals…

Besides housing the day of celebration of your sweetheart, February is American Heart Month as well. Did you know that the average adult heart beats 72 times a minute, 100,000 times a day, 3,600,000 times a year, and 2.5 billion…

Are you dealing with a leaky gut? You’re not alone! The good news is, you can actually heal your gut naturally in a very short amount of time. In this article, I’m going to show you how you can heal…

More than 55 diseases have been linked to gluten, the protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. It’s estimated that 99% of the people who have either gluten intolerance or celiac disease are never diagnosed. It is also estimated that…

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, mood imbalances or an autoimmune disorder?  If so, you may have a leaky gut. The National Institutes of Health estimates that nearly ¼ of us (about 70 million) suffer from…