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Dr. Myers’ Blog

Belly pain. We’ve all had it at one time or another. While there are many reasons this may be happening, in my experience, the root cause is usually a leaky gut. This condition arises when the tight junctions in your…

For those of us raised on a low-fat diet, it may have taken a while to understand that there are different kinds of fats, and they are truly good for us! We know fats are critical for brain development and…

Are chicken eggs good or bad? Are they healthy? You may have heard recently that they aren’t very good for you after all. That’s in the wake of a study that was published in The Journal of the American Medical…

Everyone gets the blues or feels anxious sometimes. These are very reasonable reactions to the ups and downs of our lives. However, if you are living with mood imbalances as your near-constant companion, you’ll want to take action. These imbalances…

Can you remember the last time you slept all the way through the night undisturbed? If you’re over fifty and regularly experience insomnia, restless nights, and struggle to find enough energy to make it through the day, your sleep issues…

Your life and your health can change dramatically when you get enough quality sleep. In fact, the benefits of optimal sleep are so far-reaching that you’ll be amazed by how much restful, restorative sleep can change your world. If you’re…

The nearly 50 hormones produced in your body impact just about every facet of your existence. Growth, metabolism, mood, temperature, heart rate, sleep, sexuality—all are governed by these chemical messengers. While all of your hormones are important, there are some…

Your skin. It’s your largest organ, your first defense against germs and bacteria, and the most visible part of your body. Even though it’s the “wrapper” that completely surrounds you, most of us hardly notice it when our skin is…

Butter on toast - Gluten & Dairy: 2 Foods To Avoid - Amy Myers MD

As you know, diet plays a huge role in your health. I’ve seen firsthand, in myself and my patients, the power of food to reverse chronic illness such as autoimmune diseases, including Hashimoto’s, Graves’, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s, and others….

Inflammation is the root cause of a very long list of chronic diseases and conditions. It plays a key role in Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, depression, and fatigue.,, It’s involved in nearly every modern chronic…

Beautiful, glowing skin is a huge confidence booster. However, the opposite is also true. Skin that is flaky and dry, or peppered with unsightly blemishes can make even the idea of leaving the house seem overwhelming. Because of what is…

In my many years of treating patients for Candida overgrowth, I saw a surprising number of people who were surprised to learn that eating fermented foods could actually be making their condition worse. That’s probably because a number of Candida…