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Dr. Myers’ Blog

Are you struggling with thyroid dysfunction, weight issues, chronic fatigue, or mood imbalances? If so, your hormones could be to blame. Hormones are chemical messengers produced by your endocrine glands that control nearly every process in your body, from metabolism…

Do you experience bloating, gas, nausea, fatigue, or joint pain after eating tomatoes, potatoes, or peppers? If so, you could have a nightshade sensitivity. If you’ve already ditched gluten and dairy (the two most inflammatory foods) and are still experiencing…

Natural Psoriasis Treatment from the Inside Out - A Woman Scratching a rash on her neck - Featured image - Amy Myers MD®

Do you get itchy, painful, thick, and scaly skin flares? If you have psoriasis, you know these signs well. You may feel frustrated as your psoriasis symptoms persist despite prescriptions and even any natural psoriasis treatment you may have tried….

In today’s toxic world full of heavy metals, plastics, mold, and synthetic chemicals, there is one superstar nutrient working overtime to keep your body functioning optimally. Meet glutathione: your body’s master detoxifier! No other nutrient works harder to eliminate mercury,…

Oftentimes, exhaustion is simply the result of our fast-paced schedules, and after a little rest or time off, we feel rejuvenated. When rest or even extended “time-off” doesn’t sufficiently alleviate fatigue, this can be a red flag for thyroid dysfunction….

There’s no other time in your life quite like the time you spend in college. It’s an exciting era of opportunity and growth, yet there are also hectic schedules, little to no sleep, and a fair amount of stress to…

Did you know that if you are dealing with either Candida overgrowth or an autoimmune disease, there’s a good chance you could be dealing with the other as well through a leaky gut? In working with thousands of patients, I…

In the middle of a hot season such as summer, you might crave the sweet, cold treats that will cool down your body and provide some comfort. It could not be easier to satisfy these cravings and continue to optimize…

We’ve all been told we should eat our vegetables, and green juice has become wildly popular in the last few years. So why are greens important for your health? I went LIVE on my Facebook page to share all the…