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Dr. Myers’ Blog

By now you’re likely at least somewhat familiar with the gluten-free movement. You may have heard that gluten sensitivity can cause health problems and a myriad of symptoms. However, did you know it is particularly damaging for anyone with Hashimoto’s?…

You already know that sleep is important, but did you know that your sleep cycle, or circadian rhythm, actually determines your hormones, energy levels, and how well you recover from illness? Give yourself the best chance at an optimal sleep…

Kombucha, sauerkraut, kefir, pickles and other fermented foods are touted as a “must have” for a healthy gut and microbiome by almost every functional medicine and natural health expert. Yet, there’s something health experts aren’t telling you about fermented foods….

Lyme 101 with Darin Ingels

Did you know that over 300,000 people are infected with Lyme Disease each year? Or that most do not have the “tell-tale” bull’s eye rash or tick bite to help with diagnosis, and that the symptoms are easily misread? Check…

Meditation 101 With Emily Fletcher

Watch my interview with Emily Fletcher, the owner and creator of Ziva Meditation, below! We chat all about meditation and stress-relief, and the effect that stress has on your body. She even walks us through a mini guided meditation as…

As I explained in last week’s article, mercury overload is a far more common issue than you might think, and I often see it as a root cause of chronic illnesses, including Hashimoto’s, Graves’, and autoimmune disease. If you missed…

Are you interested in detoxification, relaxation, and increased circulation? Have you been searching for a way to burn calories without adding pressure to your achy joints and muscles? If so, infrared sauna therapy could be the missing link. Sweating is…

Magnesium is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies I see in my clinic. In fact, nearly everyone who isn’t already using a top-quality magnesium supplement is likely low in this all-important mineral. While no current government data on magnesium…