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Dr. Myers’ Blog

I want to tell you about a patient whose story of irritability and mood swings might sound familiar to you. Sarah came into my office, and after introducing myself, I asked her what brought her in to see me. Her…

I’m sure you know that your skin is your biggest organ. Did you also know it is responsible for protecting you against foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses, maintaining optimal body temperatures, activating vitamin D which can then be…

I’m going to be honest here: Stress is a given in our lives. I know I can’t avoid it and, while I’m not much of a gambler, I’d be willing to bet you can’t either. Yet, whether you have Hashimoto’s…

Whether it’s through personal experience or something you read in the news, most of us have been shocked by the story of a fit and health-conscious individual who died of an unexpected heart attack in their early 40’s. Stories like…

Research has linked high levels of stress with autoimmune disease, heart disease, ulcers, diabetes, hormone imbalances, and countless other chronic health conditions. However, even knowing this research, doctors and patients alike still tend to focus more on the physical causes…

There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to supplemental thyroid hormone and I don’t believe that there is one right choice for everyone. What I have learned over the last fifteen years as both a thyroid patient…

As you probably know by now, Candida or yeast overgrowth is an incredibly common gut infection among those with autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s, Graves’, thyroid dysfunction, gut issues, fatigue, brain fog, and other chronic health problems, and is particularly common after…

One of the most common gut health issues I see in hypothyroid and Hashimoto’s patients in my clinic is Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth or SIBO. And, scientific research has shown a strong correlation between the two. In this article, I’ll…

Last week I hosted The Thyroid Connection Summit, featuring video interviews with 35 of the world’s top thyroid experts. It was an incredible event, and I was blown away by the life-changing information they shared and the amazing feedback we…

There I was, standing in front of my bathroom mirror brushing my hair when I noticed chunks of it coming out on my hairbrush. It was horrifying and depressing, after all, I was 32 years old and this was not…

Methylation Support provides your body with the vitamins necessary for detoxification and stress relief. Methylation is a biochemical process that, among many other critical functions, transforms toxins into safer substances that will not harm your body. Methylation depends on a…