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Dr. Myers’ Blog

Soy milk, tofu, soy veggie burgers, and other soy products are touted as healthy alternatives to meat and dairy. Many vegetarians and vegans rely on soy as a main source of protein because of its proclaimed health attributes. However, even…

Which sounds better: covering up your acne, dark circles, and dry skin with chemical-laden lotions and makeup, or having naturally clear skin by healing it from the inside out? Your skin is the largest organ in the body. It’s your…

I’m a dog lover, and if you’re like me, you consider your furry friends a part of the family. It may not surprise you to find out that I care as much about what I feed my puppy Mocha as…

“Reduced fat” peanut butter? “Enriched” flour? Sure, those sound healthy, but the poor nutrient quality of so many “health” foods has been masterfully obscured by clever advertising. Let’s look at 8 of the top foods that you might think are…

Do you suffer from heartburn? How about acid reflux? If you’re one of the 10-20% of Americans with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) who endure weekly episodes of these painful symptoms, don’t be fooled into thinking your condition is something you…

Do you suffer from brain fog, difficulty making decisions, or mood swings? Perhaps in these difficult times, you are feeling anxious or depressed. How about attention disorders, such as ADD or ADHD? If so, you’ve probably been told that these…

Is Corn The Next Gluten? Does Corn Have Gluten? - Amy Myers MD®

I would say yes! It’s estimated that as much as 30% of the US population is gluten intolerant. After identifying that gluten is an inflammatory food, most people find significant relief by avoiding it. However, adhering to a gluten-free diet…

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) affects over 1.5 million adults. This condition can affect anyone, but it most often affects women between the ages of 40 and 60 years old. What is rheumatoid arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune condition that…

Tired of using the same herbs and spices for every dish? Add some variety with this Dairy-Free Pesto. Dairy-Free Pesto Aicacia Young, RD, LD Makes about 1 cup Ingredients: 2 cups of basil, stems removed, tightly packed (add cilantro, mint,…


Did you know that an adult heart pumps approximately 2,000 gallons of blood through your body every day? Or that it takes only 20 seconds for blood to circulate through your entire body? For a muscle that’s the size of…